Helping Someone

10 weeks back, I noticed one of my LinkedIn connections was looking for a job. He had been unemployed for over 8 months, He was losing his house and his family was suffering due to repayment of past debts. He listed the top 4 companies that he aspired to work for, his profile was outstanding & his skillsets were amazing. As I was reading his post, I checked through my connections and noticed that I had a few high-level connections in those companies. I asked them to reach out if they have a suitable opportunity for him and they did. One of my connection reached back to me last weekend and told they made him an offer. Here is the lesson:

– There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

– It takes a few minutes to make a U-turn in someone’s life, hence uses your time wisely.

– You don’t have to know people individually to help them.

– Life is all about HOPE, helping one person every day.

– Kindness can transform someone’s dark moment with a blaze of light. You’ll never know how much your caring matters. Make a difference for another today.

– People should not have to ask you for help if you can help them.

– Don’t let other people drown down when you can throw them a lifejacket.

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